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pnpm deploy

Deploy a package from a workspace. During deployment, the files of the deployed package are copied to the target directory. All dependencies of the deployed package, including dependencies from the workspace, are installed inside an isolated node_modules directory at the target directory. The target directory will contain a portable package that can be copied to a server and executed without additional steps.


pnpm --filter=<deployed project name> deploy <target directory>

배포 전에 프로젝트를 빌드하는 경우 --prod 옵션을 사용하여 devDependencies 설치를 건너뜁니다.

pnpm --filter=<deployed project name> --prod deploy <target directory>

도커 이미지에서의 사용. After building everything in your monorepo, do this in a second image that uses your monorepo base image as a build context or in an additional build stage:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4

FROM workspace as pruned
RUN pnpm --filter <your package name> --prod deploy pruned

FROM node:18-alpine

ENV NODE_ENV=production

COPY --from=pruned /app/pruned .

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "index.js"]


--dev, -D

NODE_ENV에 관계없이 devDependencies 만 설치됩니다.


optionalDependencies 가 설치되지 않습니다.

--prod, -P

Packages in devDependencies won't be installed.

--filter <package_selector>

필터링에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

배포된 프로젝트에 포함된 파일

By default, all the files of the project are copied during deployment but this can be modified in one of the following ways which are resolved in order:

  1. The project's package.json may contain a "files" field to list the files and directories that should be copied.
  2. If there is an .npmignore file in the application directory then any files listed here are ignored.
  3. If there is a .gitignore file in the application directory then any files listed here are ignored.